Auckland Museum

The Auckland War Memorial Museum is the holder of an extensive military medal collection of over 3,500 medals dating from the Napoleonic Wars through to the present day. Previously only a fraction of the collection was on public display, with the rest stored in an off limits armoury.

NV Interactive
Brand / Strategy / UX / Design Build

Team –
Charlie Ward / Creative Direction
Chris Barneau / Design Direction
Mark Delaney / UX research
Pierre Demulsan / Integration

In collaboration with the Auckland Museum Archive team

To address visual inconsistency & poor quality archival medal image assets, over 100 medals were curated, art directed & photographed beautifully in ultra-high resolution for infusion into a rich 3m high digital video wall display.

We delivered a total of three interconnected digital interactive experiences, including a 8m video wall supported by a central 65” touchscreen console.

A series of discovery kiosks placed around the physical medal collection draws enabled visitors to search for medals by type, relationship, geography or recipient, and locate the physical medal within the draws.

The resulting exhibition has been a huge success and there have been multiple examples of visitors discovering familial connections with the medals collection through the interactive tools provided.


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