Cloud Creator

CloudCreator enables users to spin-up servers, connect storage, deploy apps and access local & global cloud services – all in one place.



The Cloud Creator UI focus on simplicity and honest design

We made extensive use of personas, user journeys and wireframes and prototypes to test the UX model and validate assumptions.

It is the result of a study of both digital & physical product design to bring to a dashboard that has a familiar yet innovative feeling. The design came from a wild range of inspirations, starting from Dieter Rams’ Braun product design, applying its “10 rules of good design” that lead to simplification & optimisation.

This tried and proven UX approach was transformative for Revera and worked in harmony with Revera’s Agile development methodology.

The delivery of the reimagined CloudCreator was a truly collaborative process with a multi-partner, multi-location distributed team comprised of both Revera and NV team members. Revera lead the orchestration & automation aspects of the larger project, NV leading the UX, design and application development, with both disciplinary teams co-delivering the constantly evolving API layer that underpins the CloudCreator platform.


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